What We Nurture is What Flourishes

What We Nurture is What Flourishes

What We Nurture is What Flourishes

Have you ever watched a gardener tend to their plants? They don't scatter seeds randomly and hope for the best. Instead, they carefully choose what to grow, prepare the soil, and give consistent attention to their chosen plants. Our lives work surprisingly similarly – what we nurture is what flourishes.

Research from the University of California suggests that we make around 35,000 decisions every day. That's overwhelming! No wonder many of us feel scattered, jumping from one thing to another like a butterfly in a flower garden. While butterflies are lovely, they don't build anything lasting.

Think about the apps on your phone. How many times do you check them without thinking? Studies show we touch our phones an average of 2,617 times per day. That’s a lot of scattered attention! Now imagine directing even half of that focus toward something meaningful.

Distractions don’t just steal time – they steal energy and momentum. A study from Harvard Business Review found that people who actively align their daily actions with their core values report a 25% increase in overall happiness and a 30% decrease in stress levels.

Here’s something interesting: According to research on expertise development, it typically takes about 10 years of dedicated practice to achieve mastery in a field. But here’s the key word: Dedicated. Not occasional. Not whenever-I-feel-like-it. Dedicated.

This doesn’t mean you need to become a monk and dedicate your life to a single pursuit. Instead, think of it like this: if you’re trying to fill multiple glasses with water from a single pitcher, spreading the water equally means none of the glasses get full. Sometimes we need to fill one glass first.🥛

What matters isn’t the time spent but the quality of focus. Even small, consistent efforts in the right direction can lead to significant progress over time. Think of it as planting seeds and watering them every day – it’s the consistent care that brings growth.

Your Focus Audit (A Gentle Exercise)

Take a moment for this simple but revealing exercise:

  1. Grab a piece of paper and write down your top three values in life. Maybe it’s family, creativity, health, or personal growth.
  2. Now, pull out your phone or calendar and look at how you spent your time last week. Be honest – no judgment here!
  3. Draw three columns:
    • What I Say I Value
    • Where My Time Goes
    • The Gap (if any)

Sometimes this exercise reveals surprising misalignments. Maybe you value health but spend more time scrolling through food photos than actually cooking nutritious meals. (Been there!) Or perhaps you value family but find yourself constantly bringing work home.

If you discovered some gaps, don't beat yourself up. We all have them! The good news is that awareness is the first step to change. Here’s a simple strategy: Pick ONE area where you’d like to align your actions with your values. Just one. Remember the water pitcher?

Try this: For the next week, set a daily reminder asking, “Is what I’m doing right now growing what I want to grow?” If the answer is no, make a small adjustment. Small shifts, consistently made, create new patterns.

Let’s be real – you won’t always feel motivated. Some days, Netflix and snacks will win over your grand plans. That’s okay! The goal isn’t perfection; it’s progress. What matters is that your general direction aligns with your values.

Remember: You don’t have to master everything. You don’t even have to master anything if that’s not your goal. But if there’s something calling to you, something that aligns with your deepest values, consider giving it more of your water.

What’s one area of your life that deserves more of your focus? What’s one small step you could take today to nurture that area? Drop a comment or share your experience – what’s one small step you’re taking this week to align your actions with your values? Your story might inspire someone else to start!

After all, as the old saying goes, “A year from now, you'll wish you had started today.” Unless you’re starting a diet during the holidays – in that case, maybe wait until January. Even plants take their time before sprouting! (Just kidding! Sort of.)

Remember: Your focus is your superpower. Use it wisely, use it kindly, and watch what grows.🌱