When the Water’s Gone, But Your Sense of Humor Isn’t

When the Water’s Gone, But Your Sense of Humor Isn’t

When the Water’s Gone, But Your Sense of Humor Isn’t

Picture this: It's day five of no running water, there's an unusual cold front, and I'm sitting here in leggings, a winter dress, and a sweater, huddled under an electric blanket because we don't have heat either. You could cry about it, or you could do what we did—choose to find the silver linings in an otherwise uncomfortable situation.

Remember when walking to the store was just... walking to the store? With no car and no running water, we've become quite the spectacle, pulling our little cart through the streets to the next community in search of potable water. Who needs a gym membership when you're getting a full-body workout hauling water jugs home? (Though speaking of gym memberships, we're certainly getting our money's worth from those shower facilities!)

You know how everyone talks about practicing gratitude? Well, there's nothing quite like losing your water supply to make you appreciate the miracle of indoor plumbing. While parts of the city are dealing with sewage issues, we're thankful that at least ours is working. And electricity? Never been more grateful for that electric blanket! It's funny how something you once took for granted can feel like the biggest blessing in the world.

Who knew you could become so resourceful? When the usual solutions aren't available, you start thinking outside the box—way outside. Like discovering that your gym membership isn't just about fitness anymore—it's about that sweet, sweet shower access. Or learning how to wash dishes with minimal water and feeling like it’s a small triumph. Every little adjustment—like finding a practical way to rinse your hands—becomes a moment of quiet satisfaction.

Take a pause and imagine the sound of running water. (No, really—it's all we think about these days!) Now, let that image remind you of life's simple pleasures. Look around and notice what other simple joys surround you right now. The hum of electricity, the comfort of a warm blanket, or the taste of your favorite meal. Let those moments fill you with gratitude.

Self-Reflection Questions

  • When was the last time you found unexpected joy in a difficult situation?
  • What creative solutions have you discovered when faced with challenges?
  • How has temporary discomfort helped you appreciate things you normally take for granted?
  • What strength have you found in yourself during challenging times that surprised you?

Action Exercise: "The Comfort Challenge"

Pick one modern convenience you rely on (maybe not water—we're living that experiment already!) and go without it for 24 hours. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Turn off your phone and see how it feels to unplug for a day.
  • Try hand-washing your clothes instead of using a washing machine.
  • Avoid using your car and walk or bike to run errands.

Notice how this shift changes your perspective and appreciation for what you normally take for granted. Bonus points if you can laugh about the experience!

Remember, sometimes life's greatest lessons come wrapped in its biggest inconveniences. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow, laugh, and find strength you didn't know you had. And hey, at least we'll have some great stories to tell when this is all over.

P.S. If you're reading this with running water in your home, please go turn on a tap and listen to that beautiful sound. It's basically a symphony. Let it remind you of how lucky we all are to have such simple, life-changing luxuries at our fingertips.